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Journal "Meditsinskaya Fizika" ("Medical Physics")
This scientific and technical periodical has been published since 1995.
The journal was founded as an official body of the Association of Medical Physicists in Russia (AMPR)
for publication of a wide range of the latest information about medical physics technologies and equipment
in diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, laser medicine, radiation protection, medical biophysics,
hyperthermia, magnetotherapy and other spheres of interaction between physics and medicine. It also covers economic,
organizational and educational issues.
Scientific articles are published free of charge.
A quarterly journal of medical physics.
1. All manuscripts, which come to the editorial board, will undergo reviewing by members of the editorial team or invited specialists.
2. Articles together with a review form will be sent to reviewers by email.If a reviewer, for some reasons, considers necessary to reject reviewing the article, he must inform about it the editorial board within a week. If the reviewer agrees to undertake a review, he should prepare and submit it to the editorial board within the next two weeks.
3. The procedure for reviewing scientific articles has been approved by the editorial board as a single-blind review, that is the reviewers know the author’s identity, while the reviewers’ identity is hidden from the author.
4. If the review is positive, then the article will be discussed at the regular meeting of the editorial board and will be accepted for publication if there are no essential remarks during the discussion.
If the review has insignificant comments, the article will be sent back to the author for improvement, after which it will be subjected to the subsequent review.
5. In case of a negative review, the article will be sent to another reviewer. If the second review is also negative, then the article will be discussed by the editorial board.
If the article is rejected, the author will get a justified explanation and texts of both reviews by email but the identity of the reviewers will remain anonymous.
However, if the second review is integrally positive, then the editorial board decides either to publish it or not.
6. Reviews and information about the copies sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will be stored in the editorial office and publishing house for 5 years. In case of inquiry, these copies may be presented to the Ministry of Education and Science for the VAK consideration.
7. The final and mandatory stage of reviewing is the presentation of all the articles for open discussion at the editorial board meeting.
8. The information that the article is accepted for publication should be sent to authors by email in several days. Authors get an electronic copy of the journal or one printed copy if they wish.
"Medical Physics", AMPR
23 Kashirskoye shosse, Moscow, 115478 Russia
Tel.: +7 (499) 324-6093
E-mail: publisher@amphr.ru
Date of the last issue: December 2024.
Next issue: No.1, 2025.
The next issue is planned for March 2025. |